Can I change the length of my subscription?
Definitely! There is some important information to know beforehand though.
First of all, you can easily manage your subscription by following this link on your iPhone or by going to Settings > Unlimited in placiibo and selecting the new length of your subscription. If you want to change to a Lifetime option, you'll have to do that from within the app.
Another important thing to know is that any changes you make, will go into effect at the end of your current subscription period.
For example, if you currently are on a monthly subscription with a renewal date of January 1st, 2020 and you switch to the yearly option, the new length and price goes into effect on January 1st, 2020.
Also important to note is that any changes need to be made 24 hours before the end of the current period, otherwise it might go into effect at the right time.
Important note when upgrading to Lifetime:
Upgrading to a Lifetime product will not automatically cancel your periodical (i.e. weekly, monthly, yearly) subscription, you'll have to manually cancel the periodical subscription after you upgrade to a Lifetime product. This also means that any current period you're currently on won't be refunded or pro-rated.